With the aim of encouraging and boosting electric vehicle adoption among farmers and commercial customers, Ford Motor revealed the pilot program that will supply winegrowers in northern California with EV technology. 

This program will help to lower the impacts of climate change, which directly impact the state's agriculture; with a plan of electrifying farming, Ford has partnered with Sonoma County Winegrowers to supply farmers with EV.

The company announced the launch of a cloud-based platform which supports a set of digital services to help customers to manage their vehicle fleets on a single interface. The farms will also receive charging stations

Meanwhile, the pilot program will supply three farms in Sonoma County, California, with a suite of products and services from Ford Pro, the standalone commercial vehicle business Ford launched last year. The participating farms will receive electric vehicles, charging stations and telematics services, the objective is to help farmers increase productivity, improve sustainability, and lower the total cost of fleet ownership" by up to 20%.

Ford is riding high on the success of its current and pending EVs; with the aim of making similar major moves, Coverking  provides quality automotive products to live up to the expectations. 

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