New Type 133 Electric Sedan


The car market is changing rapidly, and brands are constantly looking for the most profitable design. The perfect example of that is the lotus’ new adventure, the sports carmakers have shifted towards public road-oriented models, starting with the Ultre recently, now we have a new model at hand, and it’s called the Type 133.

Lotus has ensured the public on various occasions that it’s not abandoning sports cars entirely, the reason for producing this new stream of crossovers and sedans is purely economical, in other words, the money obtained from the sales of models like the Ultre will make the brand more comfortable with launching great sports cars in the future.

Type 133 will be produced in China after it completes the design and testing processes, meanwhile, we have a trickle of information coming our way on how it will look like and how powerful it would be. Lotus has high hopes for the new Type 133, it intends to put it in direct competition with Porsche’s Taycan.

On the design aspect, Lotus officials stated that the car won’t be just a smaller, tamer Ultre. It should have a personality of its own while keeping with the brand’s general design lines. Or as Lotus Senior VP of Design, Peter Horbury described it “every member of a family, can have their own character, but there has to be some continuity and family identity. Families aren’t made up entirely of triplets or quadruplets.”

In general, the car will surely have an aerodynamic-oriented exterior body, with highly sophisticated technological features filling the interior. These main lines if executed properly will surely put the type 133 in the best lane to be a serious competitor with the Taycan GTS.

Another main power point that lotus relies upon is the car’s performance. The type 133, has already 592 confirmed, provided by two powerful electric motors, a set up similar to that of the Ultre. However, we already have rumors talking of more power, in case Lotus decided to add a third motor to the mix, possibly allowing the car to reach 900 horsepower! 

Lotus is planning for years ahead, the schedule includes another crossover in 2024, while we still have to wait another two years before seeing another Lotus sports car. 

Carmakers often find it extremely hard to abandon their traditions in favor of more profitable ventures, Lotus has made the right choice, compromising a little bit to keep doing the thing they love. The good thing about Coverking is that you don’t have to make any hard choices! our custom-made car care accessories will always offer you the best of everything, you can rest assured that your car is perfectly protected, without ruining or hiding its great design lines. Maybe the hardest decision that you will face with Coverking, is choosing from the extreme variety of colors, patterns, and materials that make up our long line of custom-made car covers encompassing all important elements of your car, body, seats, floor, dash, and windshield. Ensuring their protection against extreme weather conditions and much more!


