The car made famous in Back to the Future is officially making a comeback, after a year of rumors, it’s official now! Electric-motor sports car company DeLorean Motor Company will make modern versions of the DMC-12, aka The DeLorean.  

The Company announced the return of the legendary car in a teaser released shortly before the Super Bowl. "The Future was never guaranteed," states the tweet. "Reimagine today."

John DeLorean's '80s fantasy car production is set to debut sometime in 2022, in a new, pimped-out, completely electric version. While we still don't know much about this new DeLorean, fans of Back to the Future might start lining up for it already anyway, just for nostalgia's sake.


Given the nostalgia factor of the original DeLorean, and the excitement surrounding EVs right now (thanks to Tesla mainly), it’s reasonable to assume that we will see a high level of interest in these limited-edition cars. 

Coverking has got some more news for you, our products can completely be custom-made to fit the new DeLorean, the interior of the vehicle can be outfitted with custom mats and dash covers, all designed to fit perfectly every single corner inside your car. In addition, we provide custom seat covers specially designed for returning to market cars, in this case, the iconic DeLorean.

There’s nothing more satisfying than a completely custom-made car cover that will protect your car from dust and debris while also highlighting its sleek lines.

